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Cycling Ireland
This time in English – so our new cycling friends from Italy, Ireland, the US and Great Britain can understand it, too!
We were just looking forward to a nice week of cycling in Ireland’s Kerry and Cork counties, but we found so much more: breathtaking rugged beauty, millions of our favorite animals (sheep), and a great group of fantastic fellow cyclists!
According to the Irish, we were lucky with the weather, it was only cold - 12 degrees - and windy. But at least no rain. We started out in picturesque but touristy Killarney and headed for the more remote villages of Castletown, Glengariff and Gougane Barra. What a lovely escape from our now again quite busy lives. The cycling was sometimes challenging with some steep hills, but the daily routes were never that long, so there was enough time to relax, read, enjoy a coffee or just daydream. We were in a group but still everyone got to enjoy cycling at his or her own pace. We indulged in Irelands green countryside, mellowed out with a Guinness in our hand, had fun and interesting conversations and slept like babies. And cycled on the wrong side of the road…
Ireland- we will definitely come back!
Come to Ireland with us
Posted by julia at 09:59 | Comments (1)